Friday, December 14, 2012

Denmark - Holidays Around the World

Here is a short video that shows an overview of some of the students experiences when they were traveling around Denmark using the new iPod Touches!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Students Travel to Denmark

Students have been traveling to Denmark to see how they celebrate the holidays.  Students have been using the library's new iPod Touches to scan QR codes.  

QR codes are placed around the library on displays about Denmark. For example when they scan the QR code by the Little Mermaid, it takes them to a video I created about how Hans Christian Andersen wrote the Little Mermaid and why it is important to Denmark. 
If they scan a QR code at the Lego store on the Copenhagen Stores, they will be linked to a video that tells them that Legos were created in Denmark and show them Legoland in Denmark.  Below is a rough video link overview of the project that I created for another grant.

Hope everyone has a Happy Holidays and we will see you in January!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Don't forget the Barnes & Noble Book Fair!

Don't forget the Barnes & Noble Book Fair is Tuesday night, December 4th in Cary (760 SE Maynard Road).  The Chorus and Storytelling Club will be performing.  Come shop for Christmas any time during the day - just tell them you are from Timber Drive Elementary and we get credit for books for the library.  Activity times are in the last blog and most of the activites are from 5:00-7:00pm. If you can't make it Dec. 4th, you can shop on line using the BookfairID # 10889392 and we will get credit from Dec. 4th-Dec.9th.
Hope to see you there.