Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Book Club Meetings & Exciting Events

Don't forget the K-2 & 3-5 Book Clubs meet this week.  K-2nd Grade will meet Thursday, March 14th at 8:00am and discuss Jumanji.  3rd through 5th Grade will discuss The Journey that Saved Curious George. We will then use Google Earth to follow the path the Rey's took to escape the Nazi's.

Discussion questions for both clubs are available on the website.

Congratulations to all the Storytellers at the Garner Storytelling Festival, I received many positive comments on how well they did.  Breakfast and a Book was also a big success with great attendance.  We hope that you have a great track out.  Remember you can still joing the Seven Continent Club, all you need to do is read, read, read!!!!  See the library website fore more details.