Friday, July 27, 2012

Dewey & I are excited to be back!  Thanks to the Deaton family who took Dewey on a nice vacation over track out!!!  We might have to change Dewey's name to Dewey Deaton Decimal!  We can't wait to have everyone come to library the first week for orientation.  Our orientation will cover HOWLing in the library and computer lab, library and computer lab procedures, internet safety and CHECKING OUT BOOKS!  YEAH!   Thanks again to the Deaton's for taking care of him and providing him with a new filter and supplies.  There is a library wishlist under my profile, but we always need Clorox Wipes and tissues.  Parents, you are welcome to volunteer in the library anytime.  We need help with shelving books, helping students check out, decorating, and much more. Welcome back!