Friday, August 31, 2012

Book Clubs & More

Parents & Students,
We had a great Orientation meeting for the Parent/Student Book Club.  If you missed the meeting, it is not too late to join.  Check out the library's webpage for information about the next meeting, book, and discussion questions. 

Battle of the Books is well under way. We currently have 47 members and we had an animated discussion about the books yesterday.  Students can still join if they wish.  They will need to have read 2 of the Battle books by our next meeting Sept. 27th.  Battle of the Books students are encouraged to keep a notebook with questions from the book and to take notes about the book after reading.  Students that did not have a notebook were given one yesterday.  Parents, you can help your child by reading a book aloud to them or checking out the audiobooks from the public library. More information is on the Timber library's website

Monday, August 20, 2012

Book Club Meets this Friday, August 24 - 8:00am Library

Don't forget the 1st Parent/Student Book Club meeting of the year this Friday, August 24th, 8:00am! No preparation is needed.  We will read the book and then we have an activity on the iPad.

 Discussion questions for the November Book Club meetings are posted on the library webpage now.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Introduction Meeting for K-2 & 3-5 Book Club

First meeting 8:00am on August 24th, in the library.  Parents and students are invited to come, we will be discussing the book Energy Island:  How One Community Harnessed the Wind and Changed Their World by Allan Drummond.  I will read the book aloud so that everyone can participate.   Jennifer Caraballo has volunteered to help coordinate refreshment for future book club meetings.  She will have sign up sheets available at the meeting.  Look forward to seeing you.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

See the Timber Library's New Website!

Find out about the Parent/Student Book Clubs, Storytelling Club, Battle of the Books Clubs, Seven Continent Club, Book Fair and much more!  We are excited to have a new webiste.  Come visit us at