Friday, August 31, 2012

Book Clubs & More

Parents & Students,
We had a great Orientation meeting for the Parent/Student Book Club.  If you missed the meeting, it is not too late to join.  Check out the library's webpage for information about the next meeting, book, and discussion questions. 

Battle of the Books is well under way. We currently have 47 members and we had an animated discussion about the books yesterday.  Students can still join if they wish.  They will need to have read 2 of the Battle books by our next meeting Sept. 27th.  Battle of the Books students are encouraged to keep a notebook with questions from the book and to take notes about the book after reading.  Students that did not have a notebook were given one yesterday.  Parents, you can help your child by reading a book aloud to them or checking out the audiobooks from the public library. More information is on the Timber library's website