Friday, June 8, 2012

8 Days to Go!   Here is my itinerary for my trip!!!

Saturday June 16              Departure on ­Delta Airlines from Charlotte and Raleigh

Sunday  June 17                Arrival Copenhagen at  7:15 AM
·         Visit ATM at airport
·         Metro from Airport to Main rail station (H)
·         Walk to  CabInn Hotel and  drop off luggage
·         Brunch
Afternoon Free                                Suggestions:
·          Glyptoteket Museum (free on Sunday and Highly recommended) (Dantes Plads 7, 1556 – Directly behind our hotel)
·          Canal Tour (
·          National Museum

Monday, June 18
7:00 Daily                            Breakfast buffet in basement of hotel
8:15                                    Meet in lobby
8:30                                 Walk to Femern A/S (Vester Søgade 10, 1601 Copenhagen V)
9:00-11:00                               Lecture on  Øresund Bridge and Fehmarnbelt Tunnel network
·         Tunnel  technical overview on the projects: Ajs Dam, Director, Corp. Communications
·         Professor Christian Wichmann Matthiessen on regional development as the consequence

11:00                                     Walk/public transportation to Ingrid Jespersens Privatskole
                                                            (Nordre Frihavnsgade 9  2100) Tel: 35 26 36 22

12:00-4:00                           Ingrid Jespersen’s Privatskole,  Otto Strange Mueller, Principal
·         Lunch at school 
·         Brief introduction to Danish education
·         Overview on how school encourages students in Creativity and innovation in many fields, including  study of Science, Math and Technology

4:00                                        Walk/public transportation to hotel

Afternoon                           Debriefing in hotel lobby or patio (upon arrival)

Tuesday, June 19            
8:45                                        Meet in lobby
9:00                                        Walk to train and take S-train to Osterport/  walk to Amaliegade 9:30-11:00                           Danish Energy Agency, Copenhagen, Hanne Windemuller, Head
                                              ·         Lecture on Energy Supply and Renewable Energy:
Vision for Denmark’s energy supply: Fossil free by 2050! How?

11:00                                     Board chartered bus for Roskilde

12:00 PM                             Guided Tour of Viking Ship Museum,
                                             ·         Lunch on your own following guided tour
·         Enjoy the town with a buddy and return to Copenhagen by train

Wednesday, June 20     
8:00                                        Meet in lobby
8:15 AM                               Board bus for Energy and Water workshop, 
9:00-11:00                           Energy and Water workshop, Valby
·         Demonstration of a program to teach primary school children how things are connected and how their own actions every day affect the environment

Afternoon                           Research for lesson plans
·         Participants follow their pre-planned agenda for gathering information to create a lesson plan for their students
·         Lunch on your own
Thursday, June 21
7:45                                        Meet in lobby
8:00                                        Board chartered bus for Glostrup (
9:00                                        Vestforbraending Recycling & Waste Treatment Plant
·         Minimizing waste and pollution  by treating waste as a resource
o     In Denmark, 65% of all waste is recycled, 25% is incinerated, and only 10% goes to landfill. We’ll learn how they do it.

Chartered bus to Science Camp (Akademigrunden 8 - 4180 Soroe) Annika Christensen,
Tel: 5786 5786

                                                Science Camp Sorø 
1:00-2:00                              Lunch at Sorø Science Camp  (covered)

2:00:-3:00                      Presentation of Science Talents, and a tour of the Science Centre and the Science
·         Sorø  is a vacation camp for students aged 12-20 to promote talent and innovation in science and to learn more about modern technology

3:00                                        Chartered bus to Hotel

Afternoon                           Debriefing in hotel lobby or patio upon arrival

Optional trip with Matt and Angie to Malmö, Sweden (by train, self-pay)

Friday, June 22                  Individual Field study
All day                              Gather information to create a lesson plan for students and presentations
                                      ·         Lunch on your own

6:00 PM                                Meet in hotel lobby

6:15                                        Walk to Café Nytorv (Nytorv 15, 1450) Tel:  33 11 77 06
7:00 PM                                Group Dinner at Café Nytorv
Saturday, June 23            Depart for NC
7:15                                        Check out and leave key at desk
7:30                                        Meet in lobby with luggage
7:45                                        Walk to train station
8:00                                        Train to Airport
8:30                                        Check in at Airport
10:45                                     Copenhagen to JFK