Friday, June 22, 2012

Hey everyone, this is my last day in Denmark and it rained, rained, and rained.
The Danish have a saying, "There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing choices."
We started the day at the National Museum.  It was absolutely fabulous.  I honestly thought it was better than some of the Smithsonian museums.  It was a great learning experiences.  They have whole classes come visit and they have a whole section set up as hands on exhibits for kids.  This room is set up as an old classroom.
If you remember Hans Christian Anderson's story, The Princess and the Pea.  The Prince's mother wants to test all the princes prospective brides to see if they are real princess.  She does this by putting a pea under a whole bunch of mattresses to see how the princess sleeps...
 Read the story in the library if you want to know the whole story, but in the end the prince puts the pea in his treasure room.  This is the pea that has been saved for several hundred years in the treasure room.

Students work together to build a brick wall in the children's museum.

In the afternoon, we went to Sweden on the train over the Oresund bridge.  We found out that it is Midsummer's Night.  Everyone wears a flower crown and they dance around a Maypole.  They eat Herring, potatoes, and a thickened cream.  This holiday is as big as Christmas. Almost everything in the town was closed except the train station.

Pippi Longstockings was born in Sweden.  We have several Pippi books in the library.  I was always jealous of Pippi who got to live by herself and had a very exciting life!

This is Malmo, Sweden.  It was only sprinkling at this point.

 Here is a Pippi Longstocking Statue and fountain.

The entire town has beautiful flowers in the same color as the girls' crown.  We tried to get a flower crown, but you have to order them ahead of time from the florist.

This is the castle in Malmo that we hiked through the pouring rain to see.  Notice the moat that went around the castle.  This was built around 1500.

We finally found an old fashioned windmill in the park. Windmills now are really wind turbines used to create electricity.  This windmill was probably used to pump water.

Well, I will be living Sweden tomorrow about 7:30am in about 7 hours.  We lose 6 hours flying home.  It will be Saturday night before I get home.  See everyone next week at school.