Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hey everyone, we started the day with  a trip to the Vestforbraending Recycling & Waste Treatment Plant.  Notice the motto is, One man's trash is another man's treasure.  Denmark really thinks of the big picture and takes their role in the environment seriously.

Denmark recycles 70% of its garbage, 23% goes to the incinerator to create electricity to heat water for the city. and only 6% goes into the landfill.  If you wonder how Denmark achieved this, companies and citizens can recycle for free.  They then charge a fee per ton of garbage that can be incinerated and  an even high fee for garbage that must go to the landfill.

 As we toured the Waste Treatment Plant, we learned about the hidden cost of buying goods.  If you buy an iPad, the elements that go into that iPad have been around the world 8 times to be created.  What does that do to the environment?   Denmark is trying to get it citizens to think about how much is enough?
 Did you know how much you can help the environment by recycling?
 One ton of recycled aluminum saves 10 tons of CO2.  How - By using recycled aluminum we do not have to mine and use the many chemicals, and energy that is involved in creating aluminum.
 Denmark have really cool trashcans for recycling.  There is  a section for cans, paper, plastic and bottles.
 I would really like to challenge all of you to look at your garbage and see what you can do to recycle more and produce less garbage.

After this we went to the Science Center and Hostel in Soro to tour the camp and to learn what Denmark is doing to promote talent and innovation in science and to learn more about modern technology.

Denmark select about 2 gifted students from every classroom to go to Science Camp to learn more about innovation and creativity in science.  They are challenged and have use of some of the most amazing science equipment I have ever seen.

This is  3-D imaging equipment.  Students come several times over a  two to three year period to work on projects.

We got back to the Hotel late so several of us went to Tivoli Gardens for dinner and to see the oldest amusement park in the world.

The place was very beautiful.  We didn't ride any rides, because it cost too much, but the place was very beautiful.  They had a really cute Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale ride.  Most of the other rides were way too crazy for me.  Airplane that swung around upside down and swings 200 feet up in the air!

 Anyway, it is late so I hope everyone had a good day today.  Tomorrow, I am off to the National Museum and hopefully Sweden.