Thursday, June 21, 2012

It was a very busy day.  We started at the Energy and Water Workshop.  This was a wonderful place.  It teaches students how environmental factors are connected and how our everyday actions affects the environment.  This is a hands on machine were students pump water from the spring into the sand box where other students have created farms.  They try to protect their farms from the water and learn about erosion.

The entire place was a hands on workshop.  They even had an enlarged sewer system.  Students can crawl down a toilet and follow the path of the sewer. 

We also worked on renewable energy and conservation.  I got to ride an electric bicycle. This is definitely what we need on North Carolina hills.  You pedal, but you can give it a boost when needed.

This is a typical bike for a parent in Denmark.  Parents put their kids in the trailor in front.
After the workshop, we went to work on individual projects.  Stopped by the Hans Christian Andersen statue.  Timber Drive students should check out some of his fairytales in the library.
Lunch was a typical Danish lunch called Smorgasbrod.  They are open faced sandwiches with lamb, or potatoes or cheese.  It was fabulous.
On our research tour, we went to the Copenhagen Public Library.  It reminded me more of a University Library then our normal public library.

There is a library law in Copenhagen that all residents should have free access to books, movies and music.  After this we went to Rosenberg Castle.  My first castle!
Here are some of the crown jewels.

The long hall - the Silver lions are at all coronations.

The round tower - Oldest observatory in Europe.

Walking up to round tower

What a view!

You can see all the way to Sweden from the top!

We were so tired after 13 hours of walking we got a rickshaw driver to take us back to the hotel!
I've got to go - I'm late because of internet problems.