Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hey everyone,
Ms. Waller & Dewey Decimal the library Turtle are waiting in New York to fly to Copenhaagen.

We arrived in Denmark about 7:30am (1:30am your time).  We took the metro from the airport into the city of Copenhagen.

We left our luggage at our hotel, the Cab Inn City.  We have been up all night, but our rooms will not be ready until 3:oopm so we walk to a restauant.

  This is Matt one of our Tour Directors outside the restaurant.  Check  out our breakfast buffet. There was really thick fruit jam beside the fresh made yogurt.  Everyone put the jam in their yogurt.  The staff laughed at us. (nicely)  They said you put jam on bread not yougurt.  I had the best croissants in my life with honey.  They just melted in your mouth.

 We went to the Glyptoteket Museum next which is absolutely beautiful museum pf paintings and statues. The hippo and boy were in the atrium that had 100 foot ceilings.
 The Egyptian exhibit was cool!

The battery  in my camera ended up going dead, but after the Statue musuem. We stopped by the Christianborg Palace, and then went on a Canal Ride in the pouring rain.  The weather changes in Denmark literally every 15 minutes.  One minutes your cold, then the sun comes out, then it rains, then it stops and then it rains again.   You need to have a rain coat with you at all times.

Went shopping for some Souvenirs for the library. ate dinner and finally made it back to my room, below.  Hope you have a good week at Timber.  I am off tomorrow to see a bridge that was built from Denmark to Sweden!!!

  Good night! It doesn't get dark till 10:00 to 11:00 pm, but I have been up for 29 hours!!